Healing and recovery are not linear, nor the same for every individual. Standard medical care makes this mistake repeatedly, and is often cookie-cutter, relying heavily on medication, without consideration for the individual human being, composed of mind, body, and spirit.  Oftentimes in our society, as we age, other priorities take precedence over our health and wellbeing, stress accumulates, leading to chronic illness, and we stop taking preventative care of ourselves. We are here at Recoverology to help you gain confidence in your ability to heal and recover naturally, so that you can become proactive rather than reactive when it comes to your health. 

Our goal at Recoverology is to provide quality healing services for our members at affordable prices. We carry the latest recovery technology so that you can have access to innovative devices that professional athletes use, without breaking your bank account. We want to help you feel like your best self every time you visit Recoverology, so that you can excel in all areas of your life. 

Everyone can benefit from active recovery, whether it's restoring your legs after a recent 5k, to de-stressing from your day job.  At Recoverology, our goal is to harness your own body’s ability to heal, using our knowledge of modern recovery technology and non-pharmaceutical methods of ancient healing practices, such as cupping, acupuncture, and more. 

By prioritizing recovery, and not just performance, you will begin to realize that the most progress is made by those who take a moment to appreciate how far they’ve come, and treat themselves well after a solid workout, a strong performance in competition, or even a new promotion at work.

Our goal at Recoverology is to provide quality healing services for our members at affordable prices. We carry the latest recovery technology so that you can have access to innovative devices that professional athletes use, without breaking your bank account. We want to help you feel like your best self every time you visit Recoverology, so that you can excel in all areas of your life.